
Year 9 Agriculture

Subject Description

Our predominantly urban lifestyle means that we are dependent on commercial agriculture for our daily food needs. Farmers, over generations, have developed methods to extract the highest yields from Australia’s relatively poor soils. Research and innovation have led to Australian farmers being among the most efficient producers of food, both for local consumption and for export. In this unit, students will investigate how agricultural practices have evolved over time and how innovations have shaped farming in various locations in Australia. They will come to understand the world’s best practice in sustainable farming techniques. This knowledge of regenerative agriculture, soil analysis and microbiology, irrigation, pest management and food technologies finds practical application in the field as students propagate and manage crops and animal stock on the on-campus half-hectare Flinders Farm.


Clean and Green Futures.


Unit 1: Sustainable Farming Techniques (Regenerative Agriculture)
  • Regenerative agriculture
  • Soil analysis and microbiology
  • Irrigation
  • Pest management and monitoring pests
  • Food technologies and growth
  • Solving problems and record keeping
  • Physical (agricultural) skills


Student experiment and research investigation.


Mr John Fitzgerald


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