
Old Flinderian Emily Chester Returns to Teach

Old Flinderian Emily Chester

Old Flinderian Emily Chester graduated with the Class of 2014 and is now back on campus, this time as a teacher in our Flinders Primary School! We asked Emily to share some of her journey from student to staff member in this Q&A profile. 

What does life look like for you now?

After I graduated from Flinders, I began my Exercise Physiology degree and then taught Pilates and worked in the Flinders Fitness Centre. I also worked in clinical practice, focused on supporting children, which inspired me to study teaching as I realised I wanted to work with young people. I returned to university and completed a Master of Education. I am now a Primary School Teacher at Flinders and absolutely LOVE my job! 

What was your favourite Flinders moment?

The Year 12 Formal and the Valedictory Dinner with our House groups in Year 12.

Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Flinders or now?

Flinders Head of Primary, Mrs Trudi Edwards inspires me to work hard and do my best work, because at the end of the day, it's all for the students. 

Was it ‘easy’ to decide what to do beyond graduation?

It was very easy for me because I love exercise and working with children, so I followed both of those paths until I found what suited me best. 

Did your further study or career go exactly as you planned?

Not at all! I had planned to go to university, get a degree and never go back. But my passion for teaching saw me return to university to complete my Master’s. It was the best decision I ever made!

What advice do you have for current students?

Set goals for yourself. Hard work creates luck.

To read more profiles with our Old Flinderians, visit here.

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