
Flinders Curriculum

From the first day of Year 7 to the final term of Year 12, Flinders Secondary School students journey through an academic program committed to Excellence in Learning and in Life.

Year 7 provides a supportive transition into secondary schooling with a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy, and a core introductory experience of the College's broad Arts, Languages and Technologies programs.

Elective choice is enhanced as students enter Year 8, providing for some specialisation and enrichment, particularly in Music and Mathematics.

In Year 9, the Year to RISE curriculum is distinguished by its unique, multi-disciplinary 'Fusion Courses' and by independent project work inspired by experiences within and beyond the formal curriculum.

The curriculum of Year 10, which is the first year of Senior School, offers a differentiated core of English, Mathematics and Science, and a broad range of semester-length electives, all aligned to equivalent senior subjects to provide students with experiences that both inform their subject choices, and set the foundations for success in the Senior Phase.

During that final phase, comprising Years 11 and 12, students select six subjects drawn from the 35 QCCA General Syllabus subjects and Vocational Education & Training courses on offer, as they work towards their final high school accreditations; the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

Our commitment to Learning Wellbeing through curriculum design and teaching practices that foster relationships, agency and mastery permeates the entire secondary academic program.

To learn more about the Middle School Curriculum or the Senior School Curriculum, please follow the button prompts below.

Middle School Curriculum
Senior School Curriculum

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