
Senior Psychology

Psychology provides opportunities for students to engage with concepts that explain behaviours and underlying cognitions.

Students examine individual development in the form of the role of the brain, cognitive development, human consciousness and sleep. They investigate the concept of intelligence, the process of diagnosis and how to classify psychological disorder and determine an effective treatment, and lastly, the contribution of emotion and motivation on the individual behaviour. They also examine individual thinking and how it is determined by the brain, including perception, memory and learning. Students consider the influence of others by examining theories of social psychology, interpersonal processes, attitudes and cross-cultural psychology.


A course of study in Psychology can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fields of psychology, sales, human resourcing, training, social work, health, law, business, marketing and education.


By the conclusion of the course of study, students will:

  • appreciate how a knowledge of psychology can be used to understand contemporary issues
  • appreciate the complex interactions, involving multiple parallel processes that continually influence human behaviour
  • understand that psychological knowledge has developed over time and is used in a variety of contexts, and is informed by social, cultural and ethical considerations
  • conduct a variety of field research and laboratory investigations involving collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data and interpretation of evidence
  • critically evaluate psychological concepts, interpretations, claims and conclusions with reference to evidence
  • communicate psychological understandings, findings, arguments and conclusions using appropriate representations, modes and genres.


Unit 1: Individual Development
  • Psychological Science A
  • The role of the brain
  • Cognitive development
  • Human consciousness and sleep

Formative Internal Assessment 1: Data Test


Formative Internal Assessment 2: Student Experiment


Unit 2: Individual Behaviour
  • Psychological Science B
  • Intelligence
  • Diagnosis
  • Psychological disorders and treatments
  • Emotions and motivation

Formative Internal Assessment 3: Research Investigation


Formative Internal Assessment 4: Examination


Unit 3: Individual Thinking
  • Localisation of function in the brain
  • Visual Perception
  • Memory
  • Learning

Summative Internal Assessment 1: Data Test


Summative Internal Assessment 2: Student Experiment


Unit 4: The Influence of Others
  • Social Psychology
  • Interpersonal processes
  • Attitudes
  • Cross-cultural psychology

Summative Internal Assessment 3: Research Investigation


Summative External Assessment: Examination



Mr John Fitzgerald


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