
Year 10 Legal Studies

Legal Studies focuses on the interaction between society and the discipline of law. Students study the legal system and how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights of individuals, while balancing these with obligations and responsibilities. An understanding of legal processes and concepts enables citizens to be better informed and able to constructively question and contribute to the improvement of laws and legal processes. This is important as the law is dynamic and evolving, based on values, customs and norms that are challenged by technology, society and global influences.

Legal Studies introduces students to the broad principles and features of the Australian legal system, including a study of the operation of our government and our court system, and different types of law such as criminal law (offences and sentencing options). Students then consider aspects of the justice system with particular focus on issues that challenge concepts of fairness and justice with regard to Australia's international obligations.


This subject provides a foundation for further studies of Legal Studies in Year 11 and Year 12. The skills developed may also have application to other (Humanities/ Science/Arts/Technology) subjects.


Unit 1: The Australian Legal System Overview
  • How laws are made
  • Overview of government
  • Court system

Assessment: Examination: Combination Response

Unit 2: Contemporary Citizenship Issues
  • Human rights law
  • Australia's international legal obligations
  • Law reform

Assessment: Investigation: Legal Report


Mr Ryan Slavin


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