
Year 8 Religious & Values Education

The RAVE course endeavours to explore belief systems and values in society through considering Christian and students’ personal beliefs, world religions and values and ethics in society. Students discuss ideas and processes which shape society’s thoughts, actions and behaviours in God’s world. The course seeks to encourage the development of religious knowledge and also to embolden students to broaden their understanding of what can be learned from religion.

Throughout Years 7 to 9, students cover units in the following areas:
• The Bible and Christian belief
• Christian traditions and practice
• Christian living
• The inner life
• Thinking about religion

These units are sequential and develop student awareness and knowledge across Years 7, 8 and 9. All teaching staff promote an objective world view and connection to the College’s mission to share the Christian context. The key pedagogical approaches across these year levels are learning about and learning from religion.

In Year 8, RAVE provides a course of study that encourages students to explore their personal values and life choices and the ways in which these are related to their beliefs. A sense of purpose and personal integrity are essential for participative and contributing members of society. The focus on citizenship, the sense of community and service, ethical principles, moral understanding and reasoning, and the responsibilities of the individual within the community provides students with skills and attitudes that contribute to lifelong learning.


Unit 1: Courage – Explore
  • Courageous figures in the Bible
  • Six types of courage
Unit 2: Respect – Understand
  • The Golden Rule
  • Respectful living
Unit 3: Honesty and Integrity – Demonstrate
  • Leading with integrity
  • I give my word
Unit 4: Compassion – Compare
  • Compassionate Jesus
  • Daily compassion
  • Pay it forward


There is no formal summative assessment associated with this subject. Students complete short-response writing tasks, spoken or multimodal presentations and reflective writing tasks in class that contribute to their Flinders Learner Traits.


Mrs Sanette Janse van Rensburg


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