
Senior Physical Education

Health and Physical Education provides students with knowledge, understanding and skills to explore and enhance their own and others’ health and physical activity in diverse and changing contexts. Physical Education provides a philosophical and educative framework to promote deep learning in three dimensions: about, through and in physical activity contexts. Students optimise their engagement and performance in physical activity as they develop an understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness of these dimensions.

Students learn how body and movement concepts and the scientific bases of biophysical, sociocultural and psychological concepts and principles are relevant to their engagement and performance in physical activity. They engage in a range of activities to develop movement sequences and movement strategies.

Students learn experientially through three stages of an inquiry approach to make connections between the scientific bases and the physical activity contexts. They recognise and explain concepts and principles about and through movement, and demonstrate and apply body and movement concepts to movement sequences and movement strategies.

Through their purposeful engagement in physical activities, students gather data to analyse, synthesise and devise strategies to optimise engagement and performance. They engage in reflective decision-making as they evaluate and justify strategies to achieve a particular outcome.


A course of study in Physical Education can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fields of exercise science, biomechanics, the allied health professions, psychology, teaching, sport journalism, sport marketing and management, sport promotion, sport development and coaching.


By the conclusion of the course of study, students will:

  • recognise and explain concepts and principles about movement
  • demonstrate specialised movement sequences and movement strategies
  • apply concepts to specialised movement sequences and movement strategies
  • analyse and synthesise data to devise strategies about movement
  • evaluate strategies about and in movement
  • justify strategies about and in movement
  • make decisions about and use language, conventions and mode-appropriate features for particular purposes and contexts.


Unit 1: Motor Learning, Functional Anatomy, Biomechanics and Physical Activity
  • Functional anatomy and biomechanics integrated with a selected physical activity

Formative Internal Assessment 1: Project - Folio


Unit 2: Sport Psychology, Equity and Physical Activity
  • Sport psychology integrated with a selected physical activity
  • Equity - barriers and enablers

Formative Internal Assessment 2: Investigation - Report


Formative Internal Assessment 3: Project - Folio


Unit 3: Tactical Awareness, Ethics and Integrity and Physical Activity
  • Tactical awareness integrated with one selected ‘Invasion’ or ‘Net and court’ physical activity
  • Ethics and integrity

Summative Internal Assessment 1: Project – Folio


Summative Internal Assessment 2: Investigation — Report


Unit 4: Energy, Fitness and Training and Physical Activity
  • Energy, fitness and training integrated with one selected ‘Invasion’, ‘Net and court’ or ‘Performance’ physical activity.

Summative Internal Assessment 3: Project – Folio


Summative External Assessment: Examination — Combination response



Mrs Donna Doolan


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