
Year 7 Health & Physical Education

The HPE curriculum for Year 7 enables students to develop skills, understanding and willingness to positively influence the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. Through the Personal, Social and Community Health strand, students analyse and reflect on the influences of values and beliefs on the development of identities; analyse the impact of changes and transitions and devise strategies to support themselves and others through these changes; and explain and apply skills and strategies to communicate assertively and respectfully when seeking, giving or denying consent. Through the Movement and Physical Activity strand, students analyse, refine and transfer movement skills in a variety of movement situations; demonstrate and explain how movement concepts related to effort, space, time, objects and people can be manipulated to improve movement outcomes; investigate modifications to equipment, rules and scoring systems that support fair play and inclusive participation; and practise and apply leadership, collaboration and group decision making processes when participating in a range of physical activities.


Unit 1: Movement and Physical Activity
  • Participation in a large range of sports and physical activities.
  • Analyse, refine and transfer movement skills across like movement situations, especially across the four invasion games within the unit.
  • Demonstrate and explain how movement concepts can be manipulated to improve movement outcomes in Volleyball and Athletics.
  • Develop of movement skills, space and body awareness. Active participation and positive engagement are major focus points.
Unit 2: Personal, Social and Community Health
  • Analyse and reflect on the influence of values and beliefs on the development of identity.
  • Examine how roles, decision-making and levels of power, coercion and control within relationships can be influenced by gender stereotypes
  • Investigate strategies that have been successful in challenging harmful or limiting stereotypes, attitudes or practices.
Unit 3: Teamwork, playing and hitting

Students participate in a semester-long unit experiencing a large range of sports and physical activities.

  • use and refine strategies to support inclusion, fair play and collaboration across a range of movement contexts.
    • Soccer
    • Netball
    • Bourinjin / other indigenous games
    • Tennis
    • T-Ball
    • Castie
Unit 4: Behind a Screen - Bullying and Acceptance
  • The issue of bullying and creating a safe and inclusive learning environment where students can develop positive relationships and foster empathy and respect for one another.
  • Awareness of different forms of bullying, the impact it can have on individuals and the wider community, and strategies to prevent and respond to bullying incidents effectively.


Assessment for the Movement and Physical Activity Strand will occur across the semester with students progressing continuously towards demonstrating the achievement standard for that semester. Assessment for the Personal, Social and Community Health Strand will occur through written in-class activities, one per semester.


Mrs Donna Doolan


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