
Year 10 French

Under special circumstances, students may be permitted by the Head of Department to study this subject for a single semester rather than a full year.

Current links between Australia and the French-speaking world are strong; they include bilateral relationships in trade and investment, educational exchanges, research and development in science and technology, humanitarian and environmental initiatives and communications, strategic and defence priorities. France is a leading destination for Australian travellers and a partner in work-exchange opportunities in hospitality, tourism and international relations. Learning French provides the opportunity for students to engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world and its peoples, to reflect on their understanding of experience in various aspects of social life and on their own participation and ways of being in the world.


This subject provides a foundation for further studies of French in Year 11 and Year 12. The skills developed may also have application to other (Humanities/Science/ Arts/Technology) subjects.


French 1 - Unit 1: Travel and Plan Your Holidays
  • Make decisions, organising and sequence a holiday with peers, family or alone
  • Share, evaluate, compare travel plans with others using a form of social media such as Facebook and Instagram
  • Analyse French holiday habits
  • Compare and interpret the differences between Australian and French travel

Assessment: Short Response - Analysing French texts in English

French 1 - Unit 2: The Media and New Technologies
  • Develop vocabulary to express, identify and analyse any form of TV or cinema programs as well as social media and its importance in our modern society
  • Share, evaluate and compare their favourite TV or cinema genres. Discuss the impact of Reality TV nowadays
  • Analyse and compare what is offered on TV in France
  • Study different ways to socialise using the Internet and social networks

Assessment: Combination Response - Analysing French texts in English and Creating French texts with French stimulus
Extended Response: Analysing French texts in French

French 2 - Unit 3: My Routines and My Health
  • Analyse and compare their daily routine, whether they are on the weekend, the holidays or during the school week. Compare their daily routines in present, past or future situations
  • Talk about daily life at school or at home
  • Talk about health, expressing or identifying how they feel, making appointments with the doctor or the dentist, evaluating sickness

Assessment: Extended Response - Exchanging information and ideas in French
Extended Response: Exchanging information and ideas in French

French 2 - Unit 4: My Part-Time Job and My Future Life
  • Investigate and make decisions for their future life
  • Discuss their parents’ occupations
  • Identify their part-time jobs and analyse their future work experiences
  • Evaluate and compare part-time jobs in Australia and in France
  • Justify why Australian teenagers have part-time jobs
  • Express what they intend to do in their future life in terms of occupation
  • Compare different occupations

Assessment: Short Response - Analysing French texts in French
Extended Response: Exchanging information and ideas in French


Mrs Jane Boussalem


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