
Year 10 Japanese

Under special circumstances, students may be permitted by the Head of Department to study this subject for a single semester rather than a full year.

Japanese is recognised as an important language for young Australians to learn as Australia progresses towards a future of increased trade and engagement with Asia. Japanese culture influences many areas of contemporary Australian society, including the arts, design, technology, fashion, popular culture and cuisine. Japan has been a close strategic and economic partner of Australia’s for more than 50 years and there is ongoing exchange between the two countries in the areas of education, trade, diplomacy and tourism. Learning Japanese provides the opportunity for students to engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world and its peoples, to reflect on their understanding of experience in various aspects of social life and on their own participation and ways of being in the world.


This subject provides a foundation for further studies of Japanese in Year 11 and Year 12. The skills developed may also have application to other (Humanities/ Science/Arts/Technology) subjects.


Unit 1: Health
  • Compare the Japanese and Australian medical systems
  • Language to communicate physical symptoms of illness to host families or doctors
  • Understanding how Rajio Taiso connects people in Japan

Assessment: Short Response - Analysing Japanese texts in English

Unit 2: Lifestyles and Leisure
  • Research and compare significant events, leisure activities or sports in Japan and Australia.
  • Compare lifestyles and leisure activities in Japan and Australia, furthering the idea that health and lifestyle are linked.
  • Analyse the changing trends of popular activities in Japan and Australia.

Assessment: Combination Response - Creating Japanese a Written text. Extended Response: Spoken conversation in Japanese

Unit 3: Natural Disasters
  • Compare natural disasters in Japan and Australia
  • Language to communicate about preparations and warnings of natural disasters
  • Language to inform Japanese visitors of the dangers of natural disasters in Australia

Assessment: Multimodal Extended Response - Exchanging information and ideas in Japanese Extended Response: Exchanging information and ideas in Japanese

Unit 4: Family and Carers
  • Compare Japanese and Australian families and schooling
  • Determine how young people engage with their families in Australia and Japan, including the extended family members.
  • Research available homestay and study programs and application processes
  • Promoting yourself as a potential homestay applicant

Assessment: Extended Response - Analysing Japanese texts in Japanese and English Extended Response: Exchanging information and ideas in Japanese


Miss Jo Bush


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