
Year 9 Drama

Subject Description

As society shifts further away from face-to-face interactions in favour of the gratification of our screens and devices, how can actors and live performance play a vital role in reconnecting young people to their social relationships and responsibilities? In this subject, students work as actors to refine skills of expressive voice and movement. They learn and strengthen ensemble work, developing an appreciation of how a theatrical company collaborates to produce dramatic performance. Students explore and perform a series of play scripts written for teenagers, which deal with identity, inclusion, difference, equality and community. The student actors experiment with shaping a variety of characters and relationships in performance, in order to engage an audience and communicate dramatic meaning. Participants explore live performance from both sides of the limelight, viewing live theatre to experience professional acting from an audience’s point of view, as well as rehearsing, polishing and performing an extract of scripted drama for a peer audience.


Strength in Difference.


Unit 1: The Company We Keep
  • Actor’s skills of expressive voice, movement, ensemble
  • Elements of drama in performance, especially the human context
  • Dramatic action to create characters and relationships in performance
  • Script work
  • Personal and social capability, social and emotional intelligence
  • Roles and characters consistent with situation, dramatic forms and performance styles
  • Existing play texts addressing contemporary social and relational issues relevant to young people
  • Plan, structure, rehearse, polish and perform scripted drama for an audience
  • View live theatre to experience professional acting as an audience

Exploring and responding: written response to live theatre

Presenting and performing scripted drama


A small group or individual polished performance of scripted drama, and written paragraphs analysing one actor’s use of dramatic languages to create character.


Ms Charlene McMenamin


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