
Year 9 Media Arts

Subject Description

What is your favourite type of film? This course consists of two units. In the first unit, students will expand on their repertoire of cinematographic and editing skills with a view to using the camera to enhance the emotion, mood and tone of stories within the context of the ‘mystery and suspense’ genre. The second unit will draw on the filmmaking techniques developed in the first unit as it explores the documentary genre. The culminating project for Unit 2 will be a short documentary based on the theme of ‘The Mystery of Sustainable Practice’.


Clean and Green Futures.


Unit 1: Mystery and Suspense Genre
  • Mystery and suspense genre
  • Tropes within genres
  • Character types
  • Study of the Hitchcockian style
  • Pre-production and production of a mystery and suspense short film
Unit 2: Documentary Genre
  • The documentary genre
  • The basic sub-genre of documentary films: expository, participatory, observational and poetic
  • Blocking and staging a film set
  • Plot-structure mapping and analysis
  • Three-column scripting
  • Multiple cameras to capture dialogue between characters
  • Rules for 180° and 30°
  • Adjusting the tempo and timing of cuts in the editing room to enhance drama and tension on-screen
  • Controlling time with film ramping, jump cuts, linear narrative and non-linear narrative
  • Green screening and chroma keying


Short documentary film and written analysis.


Mr Rob Neale


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