
Year 8 Digital Extra

Coding a computer is only one part of programming. This course programs devices such as drones and Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. Students are presented with the fundamental principles of designing and developing computer programs. The subject includes designing algorithms and programming. Students with an interest in computer programming and problem solving will find this subject interesting and challenging as they solve problems using programmable devices. Students build advanced skills in computer programming and data manipulation, providing a strong foundation for further study in digital technologies.


Unit 1 - Coding for Programmable Devices
  • Algorithmic design
  • Coding for drones
  • Problem solving using drones in real world problems
  • Environmental control in VR
  • Variable elements to VR world
  • Programming elements in VR world to replicate the real world and solve problems


Projects, folios and tests.


Mrs Natalle Sutton


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