
Year 9 Industrial Design

Subject Description

How do I combine creativity and technology to make products that I can use, sell or create a business from? How can I incorporate sustainable and circular design methods? In this course, students will be immersed in a creative process using materials and technologies to produce functional products. Students explore sustainable and circular design techniques when ideating and creating designs while developing skills to generate their own solutions. The course culminates in students developing a table lamp that utilises repurposed materials and/or waste. Students explore how as designers, clean and green is essential for our future.


Clean and Green Futures.


Unit 1: Technologies & Tapas
  • Properties of materials
  • Timber technologies
  • Design thinking, analysis and evaluation skills
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Unit 2: Illuma-Nation
  • Properties of materials
  • Sustainable and circular design techniques
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
  • Computer-Aided Manufacture (CAM)


Project, journal and folio.


Mrs Natalle Sutton


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